Amy also leads unique food and farm tours on her
organic farm in Vermont during the summer.

Eat, play, learn with Amy’s Vermont Food & Farm Tours on her organic farm in Vermont in the summer.

In addition to my mentoring and coaching, I also lead unique food and farm tours during the summer season on our organic farm in Vermont. We even got featured on HGTV not long ago.

If you want to visit my tour website and see some video testimonials and pictures of past tours, go here.

The Tours:

Guided, memorable, behind the scenes, hands on, food and farm tour/inspiring workshop experiences on our authentic working farm in the Mad River Valley of Vermont for foodies and foodie wannabees. While spending time in nature on our organic farm, you'll leave inspired, educated and transformed. Reconnect with nature and healthy food growing. You may walk away wanting to start a garden and change your eating habits. The 90-120 minute tours are offered with and without a homemade farm to table lunch.

Organic Farm/Hydroponic Greenhouse/Backyard Garden (Two options: one with lunch, one without.)

Pluck a pea off the vine as you learn about organic agriculture and the history of Hartshorn Farm, where your tour guide, Amy, lives.

Amy's organic farmer life partner, Dave, is also a fifth generation sugarmaker. Check out the maple sugarhouse. Find out how maple syrup was discovered. Taste some syrup.

Pop a sweet cherry tomato into your mouth. Pick some blueberries. Put your hands in the warm soil and plant something. Harvest some veggies for your lunch time salad in the farm stand. We will enjoy a homemade mostly organic lunch. Other offerings may include farm made pesto with watercress and basil, veggie tempura, massaged kale with peanut sauce, large garden salad, and herb tea. (New option for a shorter tour without lunch too.)

Learn about the 10 year journey that Dave spent as one of the three founding partners of Green Mountain Harvest Hydroponic greenhouse. Though Dave sold his shares in that business in April of 2021, we have a homeowner sized hydroponic setup to showcase to visitors.

Looking to create your own beautiful and productive veggie, medicinal herb and flower garden? Check out Amy's healing garden for inspiration. Discover what might be growing in your yard that you can use to heal. Activities vary depending upon the time in the season.

Each tour is customized to meet the needs and interests of the group that shows up, which means each tour/workshop will be slightly different.

Come with your curiosity and ask questions. Eat, Play, Learn.