Self-Paced Vision Board Secrets Masterclass Video Course

Title: DIY Vision Board Secrets Masterclass Video Course
Description: A self-paced video course taught by a vision board expert with over 35 years of experience. Includes 10 videos, a Future Self Visualization exercise video, a Deep Dive Goals Questions Form, and an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) video.
Value: Priceless but I had to give it a price-$97

Title: Personal Success Stories
Description: Hear Amy’s personal success stories plus tips and examples on how to answer the deep dive goals form questions for yourself. Gain practical tips for achieving your goals using vision boards as a tool for manifestation.
Value: Inspiration and motivation

Title: Science Behind Manifestation
Description: Learn the science behind manifestation and how to harness the power of your thoughts to create the life you desire.
Value: Understanding the power of manifestation

Title: Future Self Visualization Exercise
Description: A guided exercise to help you visualize and manifest the life you desire.
Value: Clarity and focus

Title: Deep Dive Goals Questions Form
Description: Gain clarity on what you want and why with this comprehensive questionnaire to help you articulate your dreams and aspirations.
Value: Clarity and direction

Title: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Video
Description: Learn how to remove any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back using the Emotional Freedom Technique.
Value: Overcoming limiting beliefs

Offer Elements:
- DIY Vision Board Secrets Masterclass Video Course - Priceless
- Personal Success Stories - Inspiration and motivation
- Science Behind Manifestation - Understanding the power of manifestation
- Future Self Visualization Exercise - Clarity and focus
- Deep Dive Goals Questions Form - Clarity and direction
- Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Video - Overcoming limiting beliefs

Total Value: Priceless but you get it for $97

Are you ready to tap into your manifestation power and create your dream life?

With my self-paced vision board video course, you’ll have the opportunity to learn from someone who has had great success using vision boards for over 35 years.

This course is for anyone who wants to make positive changes in their life, regardless of artistic ability.

Whether you prefer creating a tangible vision board on posterboard (my preference) or using Pinterest for a digital version, this course will guide you through the process step-by-step.

In this instructional 10-video course (+2 other videos), each ranging from 6-10 minutes, you’ll have the opportunity to start and stop the videos so that you can take the time to do the steps to create your ideal vision board.

You’ll also gain a deeper understanding of manifestation and the law of attraction, helping you to use these principles more effectively to manifest your goals.

This course isn’t your average vision board experience – it’s a chance to create something that reflects your dream life and receive guidance on how to use it as a powerful tool for achieving your goals.

When you enroll in this course, you’ll receive a total of 12 videos, which includes a Future Self Visualization exercise and an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) video. The future self-visualization exercise will help you connect with the future you of 10 years from now and gain valuable insights on what you need to do to achieve your dreams.

How is this course different?

This course is not just about cutting out pictures and gluing them onto a board. It’s about understanding how the law of attraction works and using it to your advantage.

You’ll learn the science behind manifestation and how to harness the power of your thoughts to create the life you desire.
I’ll share my personal success stories and practical tips to help you achieve your own goals using vision boards as a tool for manifestation.

In the final video, I’ll cover tips and tricks for maintaining your vision board, as well as dealing with any resistance or skepticism you may encounter. This is about taking proactive steps towards manifesting your goals, and I’ll give you the tools to keep the momentum going.

Why should I purchase this course?

If you’re feeling stuck or unsure about how to achieve your goals, this course will provide you with a tangible tool and proven techniques to help you move forward.

You’ll gain clarity, motivation, and a renewed sense of purpose as you learn how to create and use vision boards effectively.
This course is for anyone who is ready to take control of their future and manifest their dreams into reality.

By the end of this course, you will have a clear, tangible vision board that represents your dream life and the goals you want to achieve. You’ll have a deeper understanding of manifestation and the law of attraction, and you’ll have the tools to continue down this path of positive change and growth.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your life, manifest your dreams, and create the future you’ve always wanted, this course is for you. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from someone who has successfully used vision boards to transform their own life.